Support ZilLearn’s

Learn and Care Campaign For President's Challenge

Support ZilLearn’s

Learn and Care Campaign

For President's Challenge

Photo Credits: South Central Community FSC and TOUCH Community Services 

Learn For Your Future, Care For Your Community

ZilLearn is running a Learn and Care campaign in support of President's Challenge and 11 other community partners in Singapore. 

Under this campaign, a S$50 donation will be made to President's Challenge for every ZilLearn Plus subscriber that nominates the community partner.

ZilLearn Plus - Inspiring Change

ZilLearn Plus offers you a convenient way to learn and manage your career on your mobile phone. Whether seeking permanent employment, gaining job competency, advancing your career, or making a career switch, you can:

Utilize AI-driven skills analytics tool to map out the skills gap for your target job; and 

Bridge your skills gap with access to more than 10,000 lessons curated from the world’s brightest and most innovative minds, in one single subscription.

“It is our belief that everyone has the right and ability to learn, regardless of their circumstances. It is on this belief that we will be making donations to a selected list of community partners that support and positively impact our disadvantaged communities as we launch ZilLearn Plus.”
CEO David Yeo

  Singaporeans can subscribe to ZilLearn Plus with SkillsFuture Credit.

“It is our belief that everyone has the right and ability to learn, regardless of their circumstances. It is on this belief that we will be making donations to a selected list of community partners that support and positively impact our disadvantaged communities as we launch ZilLearn Plus.”

CEO David Yeo

Singaporeans can subscribe to ZilLearn Plus with SkillsFuture Credit.
How President's Challenge Will Use This Donation

President’s Challenge is a national movement led by the President to rally Singaporeans to build a caring and cohesive society together. An annual community outreach, President’s Challenge aims to bring together people from all walks of life, under the President’s patronage, to help those who are less fortunate. 100% of donations raised goes to beneficiary organizations supported by President’s Challenge, which spreads across various social service sectors including children, youth and family, healthcare, eldercare, mental health, disability – including disability sports and rehabilitation services.  

With the ongoing pandemic, President’s Challenge recognizes that families in need, such as lower-income families, have been disproportionately affected by the impact of the pandemic due to their vulnerability to economic conditions. Therefore, President’s Challenge 2022 will focus on “Supporting Lower-Income Families”. In particular, this donation will enable President’s Challenge to empower lower-income families with skills and opportunities, so that they can emerge stronger from the pandemic. 

To find out more, visit President’s Challenge at  

Support President's Challenge
by subscribing to ZilLearn Plus.

Support President's Challenge by subscribing to ZilLearn Plus.

Alternatively, visit to learn how to stay agile in your career. When you are ready to subscribe, return to this web page to nominate President's Challenge as your preferred community partner.

Help us share this message with your family and friends so more will learn of this donation drive for President's Challenge.

Alternatively, visit to learn how to stay agile in your career. When you are ready to subscribe, return to this web page to nominate President's Challenge as your preferred community partner.

Help us share this message with your family and friends so more will learn of this donation drive for President's Challenge.

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